If you owned a telescope that would open up the entire universe for you would you try to find reason for not looking through it? Because that is exactly what reading is all about.
from legendary Disney cartoonist Chuck Jones
Until the end of last year I must have read 4/5 entire books, at most. I didn’t even liked to read that much.Over three years ago I came across with Readeurnaut and I started using it in an attempt to improve my reading habits. I do recommend this social book reading platform to everyone. I used it since then but the only functionality that I used the most was collecting books into a wishlist. I kept adding books people recommended me or books referenced by people I admire and the list started to grow rapidly.
The problem was I still wasn’t reading any of them.
In the beggining of this year, I had 60+ books (and counting) on the list. I did a simple math and realized that if I didn’t start to read them I wouldn’t be able to read them at all within my lifetime span.
That’s when I commited myself to:
Read at least 12 books from cover to cover in the year 2012
With this, I hoped to finally create some reading habits, improve my speed reading skills and acquire valuable knowledge. The fourth month of the year is starting today and I just finished my third book. I guess I’m on the right track. Checkout my readernaut profile and my wishlist and feel free to recommend me any book you feel appropriate. I’m bookworm now!
Other resources:
– My ‘Books I’ve read in 2012‘ list
– A PreneurCast episode about Reading